Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Truths and Myths about the Da Vinci Code

I am currently reading the book, Da Vinci Code and I have seen the movie. I am enjoying the book very much but I have not enjoyed the movie as much. I recommend reading the book first and then go see the movie. Here some some interesting facts about the in the events and facts mentioned in the book & movie are credible.

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is a best seller on the fiction list; however, the author clearly states that the story takes place in the context of factual events, places, organizations and rituals. To enhance the credibility of this claim, Brown includes not only fictional characters in his plot, but real people (both past and present) who will be readily recognized by the book's audience.

Concerning whether Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, they come to no solid conclusions. Note “most” disagree with this position while they found but “one” who agreed with it.

Source read it and you be the judge.

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