Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I'm Back from MTL, I love my Original Home Town

YES, I'm back from a very quick visit (too quick actually) to my birth place, Montreal, Quebec, Canada!!! It was nice to see my parents again, Brad and Jonno (my old roommate). Unfortunately I did not get to see everybody I wanted, actually it was so quick, I barely got to see anybody :-(

I did get to see Irina, who I haven't seen in a long, long time, since way before I left for Paris. We caught up and it was fun to talk about old times. I also got to speak Briefly to Yannich Hebert!!!! Yes sir, he is a great guy, and he is working on putting himself right where he wants to be. Things are going well so give him a couple more months and we'll all be able to see just how sucessful he's become. Brad, thanks for again being very loyal and helpful while I'm here in Paris, luv you dude.

Everybody else, I'm sorry we did not get to catch up more as I was only there technically for a few days.

Congrats to my parents who just sold the house, the house in which I grew up in (Over 20 years living in that house)! We (my Mom, Dad, Sister and me) have had alot of memories together there and now since my Sis and I and moved away, they will move back to Jamaica and retire on the beach!


Anonymous said...

yes, it was really nice catchin up :))))

Anonymous said...

yes it was very cool :)