Thursday, July 20, 2006

My Rare chance to Blog

Yes Folks, this really sucks! I cannot catch a free signal from my apartment anymore. Perhaps the subscriber caught on and secured his/her connection. As for getting onto the blog at work, well, needless to say it's not the approprate place to do these type of personal things on the internet. I know some of you are thinking, "since when do I care about that???" Well I don't but I'm attempting to get myself more involved into the functional aspect of this position here at S.G. however, it takes some scarfice.

LAst night, there was a huge storm that passed through, it woke everybody up and when I went to the window, it was amazing to see mother nature at work. I wanted to take a video of the light show but I decided not too in case Mrs Nature decided that she did not want me doing that and therefore frying my brown ass with a bolt of lightning!!! However again, I must say, it was amazing to watch especially with the Eiffel Tower in the background.

It looks like my car may finally be sold, Brad has done a great job, being in charge of my car since I returned to paris, almost 2 weeks ago. Apparently the potential buyer is in a great hurry to get his hands on my car, and I don't blame him. I was honestly VERY close to just shipping it here to Paris. The Parisens would have flipped out seeing such a hot car, because there isn't another like it here now!!

The videos I mentioned in the previous blog post has not been uploaded yet due to the obvisous reasons but I will do it as soon as humanly possible. However I have been able to add new photos so please go ahead and enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested