Friday, July 21, 2006

Farewell Tatyana, have a safe and fun trip!!!!!

My sweet, adorable friend Tanya is going back to Bulgaria for almost 50 days (about 1 month and 1/2) to visit her family & friends. Since is lives and goes to school in Paris, she doesn't get a chance to see them that often.

We'll all miss you over here in Paris, you are a sweetheart. Have fun and be safe and I look forward to hearing all about the trip when you get back.

Congrats on being accepted on the university of your choice! You go girl ;-)


Anonymous said...

:)thank you very much!!!you are a sweetheart! have a nice summer!

Anonymous said...

for the university i have just passed the first round!Now i have to pass successfully the interview and then we can celebrate :) so keep your fingers crossed for me on the 18th of september!!!

Anonymous said...

They are crossed and I'll try and cross my toes too, hehe

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.