In control
Whenever you feel yourself getting anxious or frustrated by something that's beyond your control, stop and take a fresh look around. There's something you can do, right then and there, that will make a positive difference in the world.
I completely agree with this statement and it is true for any kind of feeling that we don't like or even like-we should never forget to take a break and look around:)life can be beautiful or we can make it beautiful with a very little effort:)!
Life is supposed to be enjoyed - so do your best to enjoy it to the full, and as my little bro says;) with great power comes great responsibility! and here i mean the responsibility to be in charge of your own life and feelings:)
Hello P. Yana, You and your little bro do have the right idea. It's just a shame that not everybody is in a situation where life can be beautiful. For example for babies born in a third world country where there is only proverty and disease. Living in situations like that makes it extremely hard to see things around you as being beautiful. We should all count ourselves as being very, very lucky and we also have a responsibility to help those who need it most!
you are right there are a lot of people who haven't had the luck and chance to have an equal start at life and suffer from that, and we should all be aware of that and DO our best to help in any way possible, but we shouldn't make our lives miserable or feel guilty because we have had the luck to be born in good families in good countries, on the contrary we hsould just use this advantage to make a change:) ( and that is one of the reasons why i have taken the path that i have , and why i am trying to get into this research program, in particular so that i could make a difference later on...hope i have what it takes...)
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