I spoke to a Freebox technical support representative and he said that my line has now been setup. The cables has been sucessfully connected and I should receive the actual Freebox receiver demain!!!!
Wow after more than 11 weeks of waiting for this to be setup and installed, the day is finally coming where I may be able to use it!!!! Now all I need to do is get a TV, LOL.

take a look at
Thx for the link, I will go take a look ;-)
Finally!!! This ain't Canada, where you get everything in a flash!!! ANd knowing you, how impatient you get sometimes when it comes to "customers service", it must be hard to bite your tongue...lol
But, I'm happy for ya!
Yes, it has been very hard waiting and yes, you are right. I'm used to getting things done right away, so this part of France really annoys me to no end. And trust me, there has been times during these last several weeks where I let go of my tongue and let them have a piece of my mind.... unfortunately it didn't help :-(
Aller, A+
:)hihi:) you'll have to find THE way to get things done, and unfortunately in europe most of the time leting people know how pissed of you are is not helping, but i am sure you can find the way things go here on you own-if you need help,you know where to find me
Yes I do know where to find you and I am beginning to see that some things here need to be adjusted. I'll see if I can influence a positive Canadian change onto the French way oh administering services and products ;-)
LOL, perhaps I'm dreaming a little bit but hey, anything is possible.
yes!Anything is possible!
(just a little hint;)try using your charms here in paris before using your force;)
cya verry soon
Monday, still no Freebox :(
:(:(:(they are NOT SERIOUS!!!!
UPDate on the this Stupid Freebox Fiassco: I spoke with another Free tech, apparently the freebox was returned back to their head quarters!!!!!!!
Needless to say I was speechless, or else I would have chewed the guy out.
Anyway, he verified my address AGAIN and he said another one will be dispatched out this afternoon. At this point, I will not keep my hopes up. But I'll tell you this, if I don't get it by Friday, I'm cancelling with Free and going with ALICE.
Aller, A+
I hate the french when it cimes to these matters!!!!!!!!
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