The month of August is coming close to ending, and it has not been very summerlike thus far this month. It really is disappointing that it has rarely been sunny, most rainy and at night very chilly to the point that the windows need to be closed. Not very pleasant at all for the month of Ausgust. Well there have been alot of highlights, I got to travel alot of see some people I haven't seen in a while and solidfy new relationships. I got my sweet Motorcycle and I am getting used to riding this powerful machine, I love it. Yes, I've been taking it easy of late but I my alot of cool and special people around to keep thing fun.
I'm heading home now from a long day at work, Aller, A+
Yes, it has been a beautiful time, and for you too Yana. I'm very happy to hear that you enjoyed the beach so much in Bulgaria!
I want to congradulate Irina on her raise at work, she is now a very rich woman, working for the government of Canada. It's amazing that people get paid so well there, and they do absolutley nothing!!!!! I guess some people have it better than others, hehe ;-)
As for myself, well I thought today (Friday) was going to be a great day but it hasn't started off right, litterally, my Bike would not start this morning, so... we'll see I have mechanic come and take a look this afternoon :-(
Aller, A+
CONGRATULATIONS IRINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy:)!!!!
as for you keith, don't worry , everything will go better. With a little patience and faith it will work out just fine and who knows may be even better than you expected and wished for;). In any case you deserve it, so it will come to you-just be ready to accept it;)
Thank you P. Yana!!! You are right, very inteligent and positive advice my dear. As for my patience, it's a work in progress, getting better everyday. I have someone coming to take a look at it soon so I'll keep everybody posted on what's wrong with it.
Aller, A+
hihi- i wonder who will that qualified person be....i am intrigued...do you wanna share it with me???
Keith, there has been a little "typo" in one of your msg. above, that I'd like to correct, before anyone gets the wrong ideea..."Here, at the Govt. of Canada, WE WORK"...Programming ain't easy!!!
Ok, fine, we take longer coffee breaks....but who doesn't nowadays!!! lol
miss ya....
October, right??
Yes, in October..... however my dear, I know alot of programmer who write tons of code to create useful programms. There has been nothing useful that comes from the Govt. The Govt only imposses taxes and corruption!!!!
But I accept you and luv you anyway, even though you work for the devil ;-)
Bisou, A+
I pay taxes as much as everyone else. I don't work for CCRA...those are the "tax devils"...I work for the E.I department...
But I guess I'll accept you, and luv you no matter what you say about my job!!!
That's fine sweety, but no matter what department you work for, the whole organization are still crooks. And if you compare with other, non government companies, you'll see that your salary is on the high end of the scale as compared to other who have the same qualifications as you. I do know that when you actually work ;-) that you work very hard and that you are very talented. You also have to admit that you are fortunate to work for the government where your job is secure, that you can't get fired and you'll be there for the rest of your career. It the private sector, nobody has those garantees.
Miss u, bisou, A+
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