Wow, What a fun filled night dans le Marais chez Gab et Yan.B!!!! Saturday morning started off quietly for me as I got to sleep in for the first time since I came back from London. On Friday night I took the bike and went over to Yan's & gab's place to eat, chat and have a drink. Well Sacha, Val and Gab were there with Matt et Celine. It turns out to be alot of fun, where we joked around and had a glass of wine.
Well, Saturday turned out to be like Friday but times 100 more fun!!!!!!!! There ended up being at least 15 people coming over for dinner. The supper was prepared by VAl et Frank, Lia et la petite Jess. We had pesto spaggetti, with fried chicken breasts, salade and of course lots of Wine ;-)
Then the real fun began with a drinking game called "Signs". Everyone gathered around in the living room and Saad and Gab showed us the rules. How you play the game is like this: you are seated and each member of the group has to choose a sign. It's kinda like sherraids but with alcohol! For example Gab chose a stupid looking hand signal, it looked like a tribal dance, lol. Saad chose wiping his finger under nose and Emma chose a spanking gesture, as if she's spanking a child on her lap. I chose the "dirt off your should" move from the Jigger man, Jay-Z. So the games starts with everybody clapping their hands on their laps and then 1 person at a time starts off by doing their own sign and then they pick the sign of someone else and copy that action. If your sign gets picked then you have to do your sign and then clap your lap and then do the sign of somebody else. So it goes on from there, you can pick anybody's sign including the person who picked yours in the first place. Now a person will have to take a shoot if they make a mistake in anyway. Trust me, it's very easy to mess that up, especially after a couple of drinks. Well, needless to say, some people had a harder time with it than others. Lobster, Lia, Emma and I seemed to be gunning for one another but in the end we all did pretty well.... except till when they decided to add sounds to go with the signs. This is where at one point everybody was trying to get me. I think it was because they loved my sign so much, I did a MJ in "Thriller" move where I gabbed my hugh croche and said "Oh Mama", LOL. So at that point I was doing the correct signs but not the correct sound, LOL. For some reason I had "Kaboom" stuck in my head, and resulting in me drinking 5 huge shoots in a row!!!!!!
Wow, at some point after that Gab broke the glass in his bathroom and everybody else was tipsy, wow it was alot of fun. Lobster and I were dancing and then after that, I don't remember, I passed out on Yan B's couch, I don't even remember anybody leaving!
Thanks everybody for a fun filled evening. Next time, I'll just do better in our little game ;-)
Photos provided by Gab
LOL! sounds like fun;)
Yes, Lobster, I look forward to many more good times like this with you and the others, we have soo much fun.
As for the gym, unfortunately I had to take care of my bike again, but today I will be there for sure!!!!
Aller, A+
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