This Christmas was my first one spent without my family and friends. It felt different but it turned out to be a good Christmas indeed. On Friday night, we (we being the fellow Canadians who passed the holidays away from family here in paris) had our very own Christmas party at Gab & Yan's place. It was very nice with lots of laughs, drinking games, so yelling (done by me at Gab & Yan) and even a gift exchange (Lobster, you stole my usb key!!!) At the end of the night, it was a lot of fun and we found out a little bit more about each other, (in some cases too much, right Gab ;-) hehe). Yan, get your finger out of my ear!!!!! And Yan, what is that you are reading?!?!?!?
On Saturday night Jalia, Fulya Lobster and myself got together for dinner. We went to a spanish restaurant called La Pradada. It was very nice and we had alot of lots (Most at the expensive of Jal and Fulya, haha). Then we wanted to go dancing, but it seemed as though every place Lobster suggested to go to was closed or no longer exists!!! Lobi, you got to update your list of places to go my friend, it was embarassing!!!! ;-) Then a suggestion came about going to Café OZ but there was no way I was going there because I was looking slick, and my shoes were too stylish to go there. They are white and made with fine soft white leather, they would be destroyed inside that bar. So after alot of convincing, we headed to my appartment to change my shoes. Well, once we got there I invited everybody up for a drink of wine and we ended up having a few glasses and then we started playing the "I never done..." drinking game. I have to say that we all found out alot more about each other. The vodka from Norway is really smoothe, thanks Emma!!!
As for Christmas Eve itself, it was very quiet, and at Midnight on Christmas morning I joined Sacha and Anna at the Notre Dame de Paris for the midnight mass. It was my first time inside the Cathedral and I have to say I was very impressed. There was alot of people who came to pray and celebrate the birth of Christ. It was nice experience.
Christmas day I was invited over to Jessica's place to have dinner with her mom, her sister, her boyfriend,Val and Gab (who later showed up because he was out drinking untill 8am, lol!!!) oh and Jess's cute little cat, Lola ;-) It was a very fun day, lots of laughs and it felt almost like family. THANK YOU ALL for a wonderful Christmas weekend!!!!!
1 comment:
When i read your post it makes me smile and it makes me happy because i have the feeling you enjoyed yourself a lot and had lot's of fun!!!I am happy for you! And i want you to always feel good and be surrounded by people you love and that love you back:)
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