Well, I got a phone call last night from a representative of France telecom. I had missed her phone call and she said in the voice message that she will call back today to make an appointment to have the technican come by my place and install the phone jacks, etc. This needs to be done in order to complete the installation of my Freebox.
Well, this morning at arround 11am I get a new voicemail indication on my cell. I checked it and apparently the lady called back!! Oh boy, I did not even hear the phone ring! What bad luck, I've ONLY been waiting almost 3 months to get this thing installed. I am seriously getting frustrated with the process. I have to say it would never be this long in Montreal and if it did, I would get the service free for a year!!!!
On the message the lady said that she'll call back on Monday. Val suggested that I call back France telecom and schedule an appointment. But to my surprise, the lady did not leave her name nor her telephone number! Oh la la la la la.... qu'est qui passe ici???? Anyway, I have to continue to be patient, something that this experience living in Paris has taught me alot about.
Lobster, how's your new freebox working? Gab/Yan B. don't forget to get the freebox transfered to your new appartment, because I fear it could take a long time before it will begin working.
Allez, A+
Cool Lobster, no problem at all. I hope that I can get the phone plug installed as quickly as possible. I'll keep you posted my friend. Thx
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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