Yes, I am almost amazed myself but yes, I have now done my first International moon. Thanks to my buddy, traveling partner and mooning coach Mathieu Milot. He had just finished doing his moon and then he points to me and says, "C'est ton tour Keith!". Well, even though it was in the middle of the day and everybody (I mean everybody from young families with their babies to retired grand parents) were walking by. But I took a deep breath, unbuckled my belt and pulled down my jeans, just enough to show my rock hard buns ;-) I believe that I overheard someone in the background say, "Oh man that's hot", the only problem is that I could swear that voice sounded a little like Gab, LOL.
After it was all sad and down, it wasn't that bad, I was very nervous at first but it took a gros max of 3 seconds so it really painless. Later on in the day, Mat and I took a few more mooning shots. I think it's very funny, especially seeing people walk by, alot of them not noticing and other who simply just find it interesting.
keith is the mannnnnn to BE!
rock hard buns indeed;)
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