Friday, June 30, 2006
It's a great month for birthday's
I want to wish a very special happy birthday to Iulia which is today June 30th. Sweety have the best birthday ever!
Steve Forlini, Happy B-day bro, we had a great time last night. (Blog post on the last couple of days is coming).
There are many others who celebrating so I will just say Happy b-day to you all.
I also want to wish to Yanick Hebert a nice and safe trip to his new home in Barcelona, Spain!!! you go Amigo!!!!
A Wrapup on my first couple of days back in MTL
In anycase that will be dealth with when I return to Paris but it has given me alot to ponder and re-evaluate certain friendships I have. I do have someone very special in my mind who I wish nothing but happiness for. I look forward to seeing her soon.
On to the fun stuff, Sunday actually was a littl bit tammer than I thought it was going to be. I was on the phone with Gab & Yan B but unfortunately I did not get to see them. I meet with Erin at her house in Greenfield park. She's been fixing up the basement because the house is now up for sale. We were catching up and she made diner for us (it's her specialiy since she is a chef at the Casino de Montreal's five diamond rated gourmet restaurant, Nuance). This made be strange for some of you to hear but I have never had a salade with tamerindes before now, it was great! After supper I went to Toyko Bar where I met my long time bredren Damien a.k.a Big Truck, Marvin and Chris. It was very cool to see these guys again and it was also very chill to see Stacey, who was working behind the bar, looking oh so sexy.
Monday was a chill day as I was trying to rest from feeling ill. Monday night I met my cousin Eric and my buddy Kenny who is getting married on Saturday and he's invited me to the wedding. Very cool and I ended up doing nothing but relax.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Nice to be back in MTL
He has been taking care of my car and my fish. But while in his care, all of my fish died!!!!!!! It was honestly upsetting to me, they are only goldfish but I loved them. I bought them 4 years ago and I've taken care of them ever since. When I would walk up to the tank, they would swim up to me, I'd walk to the other end of the tank, they'd follow me. It was cool, my first pets.
So I hoped that Brad took care of my car a whole LOT better than he did my fish. LOL, so we drive up to my car and yes, there she was, she looks great, I'm soooooo happy to be driving her again.
Last night I ate with Brad and his girlfriend Karine, who I also known for a long time. Steven, another long time friend (he's family too) came to join us and we went for a drink. Although I was mentally in good shape to go out and party all night, I was starting to feel very tried and passed out a couple of times in Steve's Car. Unfortunately I did not get to meet up with Yan B or Gab but I'm sure we'll make up for it tonight.
So it's a nice warm day in MTL, Grand Prix Sunday in Mtl and it's going to be a funfilled day and night, no doubt!!!!
Friday, June 23, 2006
T minus 24
It's Friday, June 23, 2006. What a day. It's beautiful today in Paris. I am at work, it's kinda slow right now so I can "Blog" a little, hehe. Suddenly I start to look back and realized what a difference a year can make. This time last year I was preparing to move in with Jonathan and Dave. These 2 guys are great, and will be my friends for life. I think I couldn't have had better roommates. This was a hectic period as we encountered many problems as we tried to get settled into our new place.
As well, during this time last year I was also working a horrible shift at CN, the graveyard shift. Not only was it graveyard, but also it was from 8pm to 8pm from Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. It was horrible!!!! I hated that shift with a passion. My sleeping schedule was totally disrupted and I was constantly tired. The weather outside was nice, and warm, therefore it was even harder to sleep during the day, I was not able to rest more than a few hours. What made things even worse for me is that because of the senior staff summer vacations, I was forced to do this shift through the summer!!! I missed 1 of my friend's wedding and almost could not go to my cousin Tanika's wedding.
Yup things has really changed in a year's time, I still only now am taking in the fact that I now work in Europe, that I now live steps away from a national monument and minutes away from a boulevard where the rich & famous hangout. I am taking it all in, as I need to prepare to go back to Montréal, and see my old friends and family and take care of unfinished business.
Jessica asked me if I'm getting excited about my trip back home, and I thought to myself not so much right now. It's weird because within the first week, i wanted to go back home badly and back to my old life, job, family and friends. As time went on, and with many new experiences here in Paris, I grew to really enjoy being here, in fact I think of Paris as my new home. Even as I write this right now, I can hardly believe that this is true, but I do know this, there are many, many more great adventures and experiences for me to discover, and I can't wait.
My next post may come from Montréal so Paris, I'll see you in a couple of weeks and Montreal, I'm coming home! Look out, we're going to party "Paris" style! :-D
Thursday, June 22, 2006
T minus 36 hours to go!!!

Yes, In about 36 hours from now, I'll be on the Air Canada flight back to North America. I am now starting to get very excited about this trip back to my orginal home. It should be great, I very much looking forward to seeing my friends and family. I also get to eat a Poutine and Drive my RSX!!!!
I will also go and play some bball and make some people look foolish (i.e Adrian, Bradley, Eric.., just like in the old days ;-)
As well, there are whole bunch of other people I got to see like my old roommates, Rudy, Phillipe, Vik, Vlad, Marv, Q.. just to name a few... and of course there are the ladies... Haha, just kidding ;-)
So see you all very soon, it's grand Prix weekend as well as Fete nationale du Quebec, St-Jean Batispe, so it's LITTERALLY the biggest weekend for Montreal to party....
Montreal, get ready, I'm going to should you how to party PARIS style!!!!!!!!!
My "Mooning" Debut!

Yes, I am almost amazed myself but yes, I have now done my first International moon. Thanks to my buddy, traveling partner and mooning coach Mathieu Milot. He had just finished doing his moon and then he points to me and says, "C'est ton tour Keith!". Well, even though it was in the middle of the day and everybody (I mean everybody from young families with their babies to retired grand parents) were walking by. But I took a deep breath, unbuckled my belt and pulled down my jeans, just enough to show my rock hard buns ;-) I believe that I overheard someone in the background say, "Oh man that's hot", the only problem is that I could swear that voice sounded a little like Gab, LOL.
After it was all sad and down, it wasn't that bad, I was very nervous at first but it took a gros max of 3 seconds so it really painless. Later on in the day, Mat and I took a few more mooning shots. I think it's very funny, especially seeing people walk by, alot of them not noticing and other who simply just find it interesting.
2002 Acura RSX Premium for SALE

I hate to do this but since I no longer live in Montreal, I have to sell my sweet ride. For all of you still in MTL, My Acura is for sale. PLEASE spread the word to anybody who is looking for a new Car. As you know already, it's in GREAT condition. I'll be in Montreal next week, for anybody who wants to see it, it'll be my pleasure.
Here is a few detalis on it. Colour is Midnight Blue, it's basically black but in the sunlight, you can see tiny blue sparlkes, very cool look. I bought it Brand new in mid August 2002. Fully loaded with HEATED leather seats, Power moonroof, and electric EVERYTHING!!! and still has a warrenty.
You can see a photo of it (above) however I can furnish more photos and details upon request.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Montreal, I'll see you soon!!
Unfortunately one of those things is Sell my Car :-( It's a 2002 Acura RSX Premium. Fully loaded with HEATED leather seats, Power moonroof, and electric EVERYTHING!!! I obvisouly would not need to sell it but since I no longer live in MTL, it doesn't make sense for me to keep the car. If anyone is interested in seeing it and buying it, let me know ASAP.
I thank you for your help with the selling of my baby and I will see all of you very soon in Mount-Real! So where is the first party going to be!?!?!?

Phil, Mel and Sara
Anyway, this guy, like me enjoys life to the fullest and always has a good time. He, unlike me at the time, decided to settle down and marry his sweetheart Mel. I am extremely happy for them, as now they welcome Sara into their family. She is a beauiftul and happy baby girl. I must say I'm surprised that Phil was able to produce such a beauty... hehe, just joking Phil. I am looking forward to hanging out and having some laughs together bro. See you soon. Here is a photo of Phil's little girl, Sara.

Monday, June 19, 2006
Where to begin?!?!
I am a little be overwhelmed about where to begin. It's funny that now after almost 3 months of typing using a french keyboard at work and now using my laptop with the traditional US english keyboard, I find my fingers getting confused over which keys to
I can now confirm that I'm an internet junky. I used to be a cell phone junky, I couldn't live without my cell but now I've turned my attention over to the net. Just as with my cell, I can't seem to live without being able to surf the web, check my email and now update my site. Oh boy, what has happened to me?!?! Don't worry, I have recently paid 700 Euros per year to join a gym, the CLubMed gym so I will make sure that I get my money's worth and go as often as I can. I hope that my buddies Mat and Sacha will join me often.
Ok, the connection has dropped several times since I began writing so I will end with this, I will be heading to Montreal, Quebec, Canada at the end of the week. So tuned for more details!!!!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I'm back!!!!
I apologize to everybody who has been reading my blog; I haven't had anytime to update it since coming back from Olso, Norway. It was a great trip but I will add a post on the trip shortly. Work is very busy and I have been doing alot of things. For example, shopping and fixing up my apartment so it can look and feel more like home. The gardienne/conceigre is a real bitch! On top of that I need to pretend and be nice to her because she gets my mail and then I get it from her. I think that if I told her that she's a stuck up, snobby, old bourgeoise biatch, then it would be safe to assume that anytime there's mail for me, she burn it!!!!
Anyway, there is a new album for those who want to see what it was like in Olso, Norway. Check it out and let me know what you think. Have a great day, and there will be more blog posts to come, once I get some time to write it.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Scandinavia, here we come!!!!

Yes, it's 12 noon on Friday June 9, our flight to Norway leaves at 16h25 so I'm off to get my bags and I'm meeting Mat @ 14h30. So Gab is still sleeping... I'm leaving with or without him hehe.
Have a great time everybody and see you on Monday!!! Stay tuned for all the photos guys!!!!
Food for thought
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Limited Blogging......

I have to apologized folks, it's hard to get the time to make new entries because now... I've been getting more work to do (Since Gab is a lazy S.O.B and does nothing all day) and at my new apartment, the internet is NOT installed yet.
Don't worry though, I will update it as soon as I can and I will for for have some news coming about this past weekend. You'll probably see it underneath this one. Don't forget my trip to Norway this weekend with Gab and Mat. There will be alot of photos from there so stay tuned, hehe ;-)
Oslo, here I come!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
The view "De Mon Salon"

I have to say, I am really starting to love my place and Paris in general. This area in 16th arrondissement and the view from the window in my dinner room is amazing. My living room is actually the same room as my kitchen but at least I don't have to go very far to get beer from the fridge... lol.
I swear it's an amazing feeling, I get up in the morning and before I go to the bathroom, I walk to the window and look outside and there it is!
I also found out this weekend that on the neighbouring street, named Kiebler, that down the street there is a clear view of the Arc de Triumphe.
Therefore, yes, I'm smack in the middle of and approximately a 7 minute walk from either the Eiffel Tower or the Arc de Triumphe. I have to admit that this is very cool for me. The reason is that to me these structures represent what Paris is to me and to the world. A pride that is purer and less boldful than the americans and represents a love of art and artitecture. The Tower is recognized all over the world and it is the first thing people think about when they hear the word "Paris".
Well, maybe a little bit less now because of a certain spoiled, talentless (unless you call giving a blowjob a talent) and heir to the family fortune, princess Paris Hilton ;-)
I have a special video of the Eiffel tower at night, it will be available in the next couple of days.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Fun Filled Friday Night

Well, I finally get the chance to talk about Last Friday, June 2nd. I warn you, the details are a little faded because it has been a week since all of this happened. I sometimes can't remember what I've done a couple of days after the fact, so imagine 1 whole week, LOL.
It was the first Friday at my new apartment and Sacha wanted to get to together to celebrate Victoria's B-day (Happy belated sweety). We all had supper at, yes, San Antonio's!!!!!! I love this restaurant!!!!!!! I cannot stress it enough everybody, great atmosphere, service is five star, the food is fantastic and the price, is just right, every bit is worth every cent!!!!
I arrived first, the others were late, we actually ended up getting inside around 11:30pm. The resto had a line up of people waiting to eat even past 1am whoever since we go there quite often, even if we are a big gang of people, the accomodate us very well.
So after 7 bottles of both red wine and Sangria (2 of which were on the house) we left there and headed to the club called Duplex on le Champ Elysees (which happens to be a 3 minute drive by taxi to my place, hehe).
Duplex was such a great time. Good music, (still behind in the new music as compared to Canada and the U.S) and we even smoked a Shesha!!!! It reminded me of the times me and Rudy who smoke, chill, and chat about everything and nothing. Honestly, it was alot of fun over there, I'm looking forward to going back. In fact, Sacha, he had a VERY good time.
The party did not end there, after we noticed that Sacha was passed out on the table, we left and put him and Vic in a cab around 4h30 am. However we still wanted to continue the party so where did we end up, well at the most talked about club in Paris, where even celebs like Paris Hilton and Collin Farrow. It's approiately named "VIP" (The photo above is from the club VIP). Yup, we ended up there and bought 3 more bottles, 2 bottles of champange and 1 bottle of vodak!!! We ended up leaving at the very end around 7h00 am!!!! Wow, what a night indeed :-D