Last night I went to a very nice place on George V near Champ Elysees called La Suite. The place is Stylish and Trendy. A fitting representation of the upscale section of Champs Elysees where you can find stores like Luis Vuitton located at 101 Ave de Champs Elysees. BTW, the arc de triumphe is also near by and my appartment is about a 5 minute drive from here too. I love it!!

I stayed till about 12am because i had to work this morning but I would have stayed all night if I could. Yanick was supposed to have joined me but he canceled at the last minute, too bad my friend, you missed one nice party. I'll see you guys at the next one!
Don't worry Keith, Yanick had his party anyway! Check it out!
Yeah Gab, I saw, next time, we'll combine forces and have a super party ;-)
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